Eliana Light – Artist in Residence Weekend

Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel 300 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, PA

Artist-in-Residence Eliana Light From Wednesday, March 23 to Saturday evening, March 26, Eliana Light returns for her final 2021-2022 Artist-in-Residence weekend with meaningful music, powerful prayer, and thought-provoking education. Her intent is to help each of us discover the depth and richness of Jewish life within and take ownership of our Judaism. She will draw... Read More

Is Anything OK? Learning in memory of Murray Friedman

This event will take place on Zoom 0

To describe the post-Red Sea Israelites as "ungrateful" would be an understatement – barely a week after the Exodus, it seems like all they can do is gripe and complain. What gives? How can we make sense of their behavior, and what lessons can we draw for our own lives?   Rabbi Abe Friedman invites... Read More

Enroll in the BZBI Torah Academy’s Second Cohort

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

Following the amazing success of the first cohort of BZBI's Torah Academy, we are proud to announce the second cohort of BZBI's Torah Academy.  Join Sayna Flink in the holy and exciting journey of learning - or brushing up on - your reading of the Torah.  Together we will create a community of Torah readers. ... Read More


Daily Evening Minyan

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

Please join us online at BZBI’s daily evening service, the only Conservative daily Minyan in Center City. In December, we embarked on a three-month trial period for multi-access (in person + Zoom) weekday minyanim. We are deeply grateful to those BZBI members who made the effort to support this trial by coming in person as... Read More

Erev Tisha B’Av 5782

9:00-10:00 PM: Maariv and Eicha with Kinot Multi-access from the Goldberg Sanctuary

Tisha B’Av 5782

9:00-10:00 AM: Shacharit with Torah and Haftarah Multi-access from the Klinghoffer Chapel

HHD Floral Sponsor Deadline

The deadline for floral sponsorship for the High Holidays has been extended to Friday, August 19! Click the link here to become a sponsor. 

Lulav and Etrog Order Form Due

The holiday of Sukkot begins on Monday evening, October 9, and BZBI is taking orders for personal Lulav and Etrog sets. The cost is the same as last year at $54 per set, and the deadline to place orders is Tuesday, September 6.  Please note that once the deadline passes, we cannot place additional orders.  To reserve... Read More

RH²: Rosh Hashanah in Rittenhouse Square

Rittenhouse Square 18th and Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA

Celebrating the High Holy Days is as easy as a walk in the park. Join us for our eighth year in Rittenhouse Square and mark the start of the Yamim Noraim with an evening of spirited music and a family-friendly service. RH² is FREE and open to the public. 5:00PM Concert with the BZBI RH²... Read More

BZBI Kabbalat Shabbat

First Fridays @ BZBI: Potluck in Rittenhouse Square  Friday, October 7 at 5:00 and 6:00 PM on the South Lawn of Rittenhouse Square Mark your calendar for our next Kabbalat Shabbat service and potluck, this time in Rittenhouse Square! The main event will be spirited services at 6:00 PM, and you can join us for a bring-your-own... Read More