
Prayer Lab

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Senior Rabbi Abe Friedman and Associate Rabbi Annie Lewis will help you rediscover the meaning and connection found in daily prayers. Join us in the half-hour before Monday minyan for singing, conversation, and discussion about the act of prayer. You can access the class using the BZBI religious services link, and you can register here.... Read More


Sisterhood Virtual Challah Bake

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This is a two-part program. Join us on Wednesday evening and we’ll all make our challah dough together, with a vegan recipe, ingredient list, and utensil list provided in advance. Then, on Thursday evening we’ll gather again to braid and bake our challah. Once we are done, everyone will have delicious fresh baked challah for... Read More


Queer Torah Study

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

Join us during Pride month for some fascinating Torah study through the lens of our queer identities. How do our beloved yet often problematic texts help us make ethical decisions and honor the sacredness of every human being? Bring your Humash or use the provided handouts; no Hebrew or text study background is necessary. All... Read More


JTS Summer Lecture Series: A Wandering People

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) summer 2021 lecture series is entitled A Wandering People: Jewish Journeys, Real and Imagined You can register for the entire series here. Sessions are every Monday from June 7 to August 23 with the exception of July 5. All sessions meet from 2:00 to 3:30 pm ET. The Zoom link will be... Read More


Exploring Talmud with Rabbi Stone

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

Join us for the third year of this course with Rabbi Ira Stone, covering the length and breadth of this unique and important literature at the heart of post-temple Judaism. The year-long class will include a deep dive into the opening chapter of the first tractate, berachot. The class will be conducted online until it is... Read More


On One Foot: An Introduction to Judaism for Everyone

Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel 300 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, PA

Judaism is a world unto itself, encompassing rituals, ideas, and thousands of years of history. If you’ve been curious about Jewish learning but didn’t know where to start, this is the place for you! The American Jewish University’s On One Foot curriculum covers all of the essentials in an interactive format that encourages personal engagement. Join... Read More


The Book of Exodus with Rabbi Stone

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

Join Rabbi Ira Stone for a new year of exploring the Chumash. This year-long course will continue our close reading of the Torah, this year focusing on the book of Exodus (Shemot) and its many life changing and life affirming stories.  The class will be conducted online until it is safe to return to the... Read More


Basic Prayer Book Hebrew

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

Learning to read and understand basic Hebrew opens a world of opportunities for worship. Would you like to be able to comfortably follow along in the prayer book? Are you planning to read Torah for the congregation someday? Do you simply want to be able to easily tell each letter on the dreidel apart? Join... Read More


Before the Law: An Introduction to Jewish Responsa

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

What is Jewish law and how is it decided? Who gets to decide? In this six-week course, we will explore the halakhic process and how it has changed (and persisted) over the last two thousand years. We will focus, in particular, on contemporary Conservative responsa on a variety of issues, including kitniyot, kashrut, LGBT ordination,... Read More


Where Are You? Returns

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

The air is cold, the nights are long, and our future remains unclear. In this time of questioning, join Rabbi Abe on Wednesday evenings before minyan for a contemplative exploration of the most important questions: Where have I been? Where am I now? And where do I go from here? Where Are You? meets on Wednesdays... Read More