
Confirmation Shabbat and Presentation Sunday

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

On Shabbat morning, May 15 from 9:30 - 11:30 AM, confirmation students will lead services, share words of Torah and mark this milestone of their Jewish education in community. On Sunday evening, May 16 from 6:00 - 7:20 PM, come learn from our Confirmation students as part of the Erev Shavuot learning line up. They... Read More

In Person BZBI Tree Planting

Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel 300 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, PA

BZBI is working with the the city and the Philadelphia Horticultural Society (PHS) to plant a Honey Locust ’street keeper,' tree which will provide beauty and shade to our congregation and community L'dor v'dor - for generations to come. The tree planting will take place on Sunday, November 21 at 10:00 AM. You can see... Read More

Virtual Volunteer Appreciation Event

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

Despite the challenges of 2021, more than 200 volunteers have provided spiritual support and comfort to BZBI members and the wider Center City community. Let's join together to let our volunteers know what they do is noticed, appreciated, valued and recognized. Help us celebrate the volunteers who helped spread the light this year with a... Read More

Community Israel Fair

Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel 300 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, PA

Come celebrate Israel with BZBI, Mekor Habracha, Barrack Hebrew Academy, and Perelman Jewish Day School for a day of crafts, games, music and fun for both kids and adults. Special guests include Rabbi Tamar Elad-Appelbaum speaking live from Jerusalem, and the Bible Players connecting Israel through laughter. The cost is $10 per child with no... Read More