BZBI, where you learn

Meet Our Team

Summer Camp 2024

Peach Room

Naomi Faszczyk 

My name is Naomi Faszczyk and I am the Lead Teacher in the Yellow Room. I was born in Israel, and have lived in Israel and in the United States during different periods of my life. I have also lived in Spain and in Mexico for extended periods of time. I worked at BZBI over 25 years ago, and left to get a PhD at UPenn for Hispanic Studies and Literature. I left the program with my MA, and have been teaching all age groups since then!

I incorporate my love of the arts, music, yoga, and languages into all that I do. What I love the most about teaching (and teaching children) is learning through their point of view. Exploring and playing is serious business! I feel so grateful to be back at BZBI and to be working in a Jewish setting once again.

Liel Brenner

Hi, my name is Liel, I also go by Revi, feel free to use either! I’m originally from Orlando, Florida and have lived in Atlanta, South Carolina, New York City and Ithaca, New York and I’m so excited to be a new Philadelphian! 

I’ve been involved with Jewish education for as long as I’ve been able to, starting as an assistant teacher and tutor shortly after my bar mitzvah. I’m a proud alum of USY and Ramah Darom and have learned Torah at Yeshivat Hadar, Drisha, and spent two years at List College, the Joint Program of Columbia and the Jewish Theological Seminary. I recently graduated from Cornell University and have been farming and cooking professionally throughout my time in college. 

I am very passionate about music, food, and the environment and I’m looking forward to bringing those passions with me to the Early Childhood Education Program. I’m so excited to start my career at BZBI and look forward to becoming a part of this wonderful community.

Green Room

Ali Simon

I started working at BZBI in February and joined the Peach room. I am 28 years old, and have been teaching grades K-2 for the past 4 years. I graduated from Temple University with a degree in elementary education and I am currently working towards achieving my Master’s Degree at Holy Family University. I have always had a passion for working alongside children, guiding them to become active learners. I look forward to helping your preschoolers develop a strong foundation for elementary school. I want to assist in creating a fun, educational environment, where students get enthused to learn. I am so excited to get to know all of your children and build individual relationships with them!

Joanne Maza 

Red Room

Wakeelah (Keelah) Jackson

Hello, my name is Wakeelah Jackson, but everyone calls me Ms. Keelah. I have an Associated Degree in Early Childhood Education and I have over 10 years of experience as both an Assistant and Lead Teacher. I have been at BZBI since 2018.

This year, I will be the lead teacher in the Green Room. Working with children is something I have always enjoyed. What I love most about being a teacher is watching children’s unique qualities flourish, stimulating their very curious minds, and supporting their social-emotional and physical development. I take great pride in working in this rewarding field. I am excited for the start of the school year!

Brenna Hallman 

Blue Room

Becca Hann

This will be my second year at BZBI and  I am very excited to be working in the Blue Room this year! I started working with children in high school and during college I was part-time staff at an inclusive preschool with children who were typically developing and children with special needs. I graduated with a dual degree in Child Development and Psychology from Connecticut College. My first job was in Philadelphia working with children birth to three years old with special needs while I did graduate work in Early Childhood Special Education at Temple University.

I then worked with children ages 3-6 who were at-risk or had identified special needs while doing additional graduate school work in Elementary Education and Special Education at Arcadia University. Since then, I have worked with children from birth through high school and their families in a variety of settings. I happily returned to preschool teaching, my favorite age to teach, about 9 years ago with Head Start programs. I love working at BZBI and am looking forward to an amazing year ahead.

Anna Coyle

Hi, my name is Anna Coyle and I’m excited to be starting my first year at BZBI in the Blue Room! I graduated from Arcadia University in 2021 with a degree in art therapy. I have since found myself working in various child care settings. I have experience working with children who are on the Autism spectrum, nannying and working in early childhood education centers.

I find myself coming back to early childhood education centers for the nurturing and collaborative community created between the children, their families and the teachers!

Rachel Sandison

Hi! I’m Rachel and I’m so excited for my first year here at BZBI in the blue room. I moved to Philadelphia from Baltimore, Maryland two years ago. I have worked with children in many settings as a swim instructor, nanny, and as a preschool teacher. I’m currently pursuing a CDA and hope to continue my learning in child development. I am so happy to join this amazing community of families!

Violet Room

Joann Zimbello

I have been an Assistant Teacher at BZBI since 2010.  I am also studying Modern Hebrew with a dream of one day visiting Israel. I have a B.S. in Business, however, I have been working with children of all ages for as long as I can remember. In my spare time, I love to read, listen to music, do Zumba, and go to the theater. 

Olivia Sipler 


Angelita Benson, Assistant Teacher

I have worked as an Assistant teacher and Floater at BZBI since 2010.  The greatest role I have is as a mother and grandmother and I am fortunate to spend my free time with my grandchildren. I am also a nanny who feels part of the families that I work with.

Watching the children that are entrusted to me grow into kind people brings me great joy and pride. I have worked with many families within the Jewish community. I have learned so much about the passion that these families have for one another. There is a common value that they share and that is to always care for one another.


Missy Horrow, Director of Early Childhood Education

215-735-5142 | email

We are excited to welcome our new Director of Early Childhood Education, Missy Horrow, to BZBI. She brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the position. We thank the committee that was involved in bringing her to us and we look forward to watching the early childhood program continue to grow and thrive under her direction.

Missy has been an early childhood educator for over 30 years, dedicated to fostering the growth and development of young children through hands-on learning and play.

Missy’s approach is heavily influenced by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, which posits the environment is the third teacher. She strives to create spaces where children can learn, grow, and develop. Additionally, she is influenced by the teachings of Bev Bos, particularly the idea that “if you want it in their minds, you need to put it in their hands first.” This reflects Missy’s core belief that children learn best by doing and that play is their essential work.

Her educational philosophy emphasizes the importance of providing children with rich, engaging experiences that help them learn to cooperate, develop social skills, and prepare for the more structured environment of formal schooling.

Earning her Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Chestnut Hill College, she is a lifelong learner who is constantly seeking out the latest research and innovative methods in the field.

Missy is excited and happy to be back at a synagogue with her tribe, where she feels a deep sense of community and belonging. She cherishes the opportunity to contribute to the vibrant life of BZBI and to support the growth of young children while integrating them and their families into the life of the larger synagogue community.

When not working, Missy enjoys spending time with her three granddaughters, Ruby, Maya and Cassie. She has two grown children: Jenna, married to Evan and Andrew who is married to Sami. A long-time resident of the suburbs of Philadelphia, where she lives with her husband – Jeff, she enjoys hikes in the woods, reading and going to the beach.

Sarah Fleischman, Assistant Director 

Sarah has been a member of BZBI for her entire life (her BZBI preschool diploma hangs in the office) and has played many different roles in the synagogue. From serving as a Tot Shabbat Leader and Preschool Teacher to guiding Hebrew School students and advising Kadima/USY programs to Adult Education Board Chair, she’s had the privilege of working with congregants of all ages. Her journey has been deeply intertwined with BZBI, and each role has enriched her understanding of our community’s needs.

Now, as the Preschool’s Assistant Director, she is committed to fostering an even stronger bond between our preschool families and synagogue members. This new role will allow her to use the skills she’s learned and developed throughout her master’s program in Jewish Communal Service/Nonprofit Management from Gratz College and professional career working in non-profit development and operations management. Simultaneously, it allows her to remain deeply connected to the classroom, teachers, students, and families — a closeness that she cherishes.

When not at BZBI (which isn’t often), Sarah enjoys traveling, reading by the pool, going to the gym, attending theater, and hanging out with friends and family.
