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Everybody Needs a Home – Learning with the Academy of Natural Sciences

March 16, 2016

Last week our Laurie Wagman Playschool was treated to a very special presentation – “Everybody Needs a Home,” by the Academy of Natural Sciences! Kaitlyn, our presenter, showed the children three different animals and shared with us where they live and what they eat.


First we learned about the European Domestic Rabbit, named Rodger of course! Rodger eats lots of carrots and lettuce. He also is able to see in a complete circle (360 degrees). Rodger was being shy so we felt rabbit fur that was not Rodger’s.

feel the feathersOur next friend was Sienna, the American Kestrel bird. Sienna eats lots of bugs. Her feathers are very soft, and we know because Kaitlyn let us touch some real feathers. Did you know you can tell if the bird is a boy or a girl based on the colors of their feathers? We do now!

pic blog 2The children were most excited about their visit from Leche, the Milk Snake. His name is Leche because he lives in the burrows of the Mexican Desert. He doesn’t have a nose; he uses his tongue to smell. The children pretended to be snakes and slithered and stuck their tongues in and out!

We can’t wait for our next visit from the Academy of Natural Sciences.

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