BZBI is re-starting a program that you might want to be a part of. Prior to the pandemic, BZBI families welcomed other community members into their homes for Shabbat Dinner a few times a year. On September 20, BZBI Community Members will again open their homes to host fellow congregants for a home hosted Shabbat Dinner. It is a great way to meet other BZBI members and welcome new community members.
These periodic dinners offer a great way to meet other congregants and start your own tradition of having Shabbat Dinner with BZBI friends and families. Participating in Shabbat B’yachad is another way to make BZBI the place you want to be, in your own home or at someone else’s.
There will be guidelines for host families to help them facilitate such a meal and participants will also receive guidelines as an attendee.
The deadline for both forms is Thursday, September 5. Our matching committee will reach out to all that have signed up with guest and host information ahead of the dinner on September 20.