Josh Protas, Vice President of Public Policy of MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger will join the BZBI community during the Shabbat morning service on March 5 for a discussion of Serving Justice: Food Insecurity in Pandemic America.
We’ll talk about what hunger looks like in our nation and how it has shifted in the pandemic. Close to 40 million Americans struggle to put enough nutritious food on the table, including 13 million children and 5 million seniors.
Josh will share the unique role the Jewish community can play in the essential work to end hunger, wielding our most powerful tool – the strength of our voices, grounded in the moral authority of our shared values.
Listen to Mark’s story at Join us on Mazon Shabbat. And get involved.
If you are unable to attend, submit your questions to Josh here
MAZON is a leading advocacy organization working to end hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds in the United States and Israel. MAZON was founded in 1985 by visionary leaders who were convinced that the American Jewish community could come together to make a meaningful difference in the fight to end hunger.
Josh Protas is the Vice President of Public Policy and heads the Washington, D.C. office for MAZON. In this role, which he assumed in 2012, Josh coordinates and implements MAZON’s advocacy agenda, including efforts to protect and strengthen the federal nutrition safety net, with particular emphasis on the food security needs for seniors, veterans, and military families. Josh has extensive experience working at Jewish communal agencies at both local and national levels. Josh earned his M.A. in Western American History and Public History from Arizona State University and his B.A. in American Studies and French Literature from Wesleyan University. He is most proud of his role as a father.