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In Support of our Daily Minyan

June 8, 2016

No matter how much the pace of the life slows down in the summer, life-cycle events, including the need for prayer, reflection, fellowship and the ability to say kaddish for a loved one, still take

precedence.  However, because of the slower pace of life and personal vacation schedules, our daily morning and evening minyanim need your support more than ever.

As a city that attracts tourists from all over the world during the summer, our location in the heart of the city draws not only our own BZBI members but out of town visitors as well.  Hardly a month goes by, especially during the summer, without receiving a letter of thanks to our minyan for enabling a person to say kaddish or for a welcoming place to take time out in the midst of a busy day.

We are also blessed with our “minyan regulars” who make all this possible – men and women who are willing to make sure the “required ten” are present.  Please recognize and support their efforts by attending minyan whenever you can.

If you come once or twice a week, or even a few times a month, you will be rewarded not only with a warm, friendly welcome but a feeling of having done something truly important.  Knowledge of Hebrew is not required.

If you would like information on our daily minyan and how you can help support it (at any time of the year) please contact Cantor Sharon Grainer or Art Fischman.  Or just show up and be counted amongst those who make our BZBI daily minyan possible.

Daily Minyan Schedule

Monday-Friday morning: 7:45 AM

Monday-Thursday evening: 5:30 PM

Friday Kabbalat Shabbat: 7:30 PM

Sunday morning: 9:00 AM

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