The Latest from BZBI

Successful Canvassing with BZBI Members

August 23, 2017

On August 15th , twelve congregants from BZBI gathered to canvas along with the New Sanctuary Movement and get names for a petition to be given to the Mayor to change the Live Stop law. The amended suggestion to the law is to give thirty minutes for anyone stopped to call someone to get their car rather than have it towed and have to pay for it or lose the car.

Thank you to my co-chairman, Suzanne Zeelander, Rabbi Yosef Goldman for his guidance, and Sheila Quintana of the NSM, who gave us materials and information to prepare us for canvasing. Others attending were: Sheila Rosenblum, Carmie and Mort Levine, Miriam Steinberg-Egeth, Tovah Rosenthal, Terri Soifer, Elizabeth Weintraub, Amit Schwalb, and Mel Seligsohn.

This amazing group of people representing BZBI got over 325 names that night.

Anyone interested in doing more of this, please contact the BZBI office. Thanks to all above for their fantastic efforts.

Sheila Quintana from the NSM gives a presentation at Sandy Goldberg’s apartment about the implications of the Live Stop policy and how to effectively canvas.
