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MahJongg at BZBI
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MahJongg at BZBI

July 27 2022, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Weekly in-person MahJongg returns to Klinghoffer Chapel! This weekly game is a fun social gathering, not a high stakes game. There will be a teaching table and a playing table until everyone is confident in their game. Money generated by winning hands goes to the BZBI Tzedakah fund.

All are welcome, but everyone must be vaccinated and wear a mask at all times. Players will need a MahJongg Card available from Amazon or the BZBI Sisterhood Gift shop, where you can also get accessories and A Beginner’s Guide to American MahJongg. Come with a sense of humor and a desire to meet fellow MahJongg players!

If interested, join us in the Chapel or email Eileen directly at eileendwell@gmail.com to tell her of you interest and level of play.

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