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BZBI Book Club Meeting and Potluck Dinner

BZBI Book Club Meeting and Potluck Dinner

November 20 2024, 5:45 PM - 8:00 PM

BZBI Book Club Meeting and Potluck Dinner: Dwell Time: A Memoir of Art, Exile and Repair by Cuban-American Jewish writer and conservator, Rosa Lowinger

Join us for this special evening to honor both our very own Virginia (Ginny) Greene and the author, Rosa Lowinger. The author will personally attend our event and Ginny will lead our discussion. As Rosa’s mentor, Ginny was mentioned multiple times in the book. Read more about her career at The Penn Museum. Rosa has ties to Philadelphia where she lived  in the 1980’s and was a member of the Center City Havura Minyan in which some current BZBI members were also active.

RSVP required to attend. Your name has to be on the list given to building security personnel. Click here to register and state what you will bring to the potluck dinner.

If you have trouble accessing the google document that allows you to state what you are bringing to the potluck, you can find it here.

  • 5:45 – 7:00 PM: Meet the author, mingle with Ginny and others at a potluck vegetarian/dairy dinner
  • 7:00-8:00 PM: Book review and discussion

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