The Latest from BZBI

COVID-19 Guide Stage II

November 2, 2020

Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel COVID-19 Stage II Guide

I. Guiding principles

  1. More exposure to the virus is likely to lead to infection, and the closer/prolonged exposure.
  2. Indoor spaces are significantly more susceptible to exposure than outdoor spaces.
  3. Droplets are expelled thru speech and singing. Droplets expelled by singing travel further than droplets expelled by speech.
  4. Houses of Worship have been at the center of numerous outbreaks.
  5. Congregational singing has been identified by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as among the most dangerous activities because this activity generates aerosol particles over an extended period of time. This risk is reduced outdoors.
  6. High-risk people, e.g., those over 65 and those with underlying health conditions that make them more susceptible to death or a more severe case, should be discouraged from coming to on‐site BZBI activities.
  7. Pikuach Nefesh (Saving a Life)
  8. Sakanat Nefeshot (Endangering Life)

II. Participants

  1. All must bring their own and wear a mask — cloth preferable.
  2. Individuals should not come to BZBI if they:
    • have or recently had a fever, or
    • have or recently had Covid symptoms, e.g., cough, sore throat, aches, fatigue, gastrointestinal distress, or loss of sense of smell or taste, or
      have had close contact within the last 14 days with someone who tested positive or has Covid
    • have traveled to states with high COVID rates per the PADOH
  3. Everyone participating should:
    • Temperature check: exhibit a body temperature upon arrival of under 99.1 degrees and confirm lack of COVID-19 symptoms
    • Wash hands with hand sanitizer upon entrance to the building and sign-in for contact tracing purposes
    • The bathroom across for the office is to be used by congregants, vendors, office staff, and guests only. All other bathrooms are for Early childhood students and staff.
    • Our Early Chilhood Guidelines can be downloaded here.

III. Registration and Volunteers

  1. Participants must pre‐register for BZBI on‐site activities to provide contact information, fill out questionaire and to read and affirm that they have read applicable policies.  Please pre-register by filling out a form here.

IV. Distancing

  1. Participants must maintain a distance of 6 feet apart on all sides. Family groups do not have to maintain 6-foot distancing. No physical contact should be permitted between people of different households.
  2. Children — young children are difficult to control in terms of touching things and physical distancing. All children under the age of 13 must be under the constant direct supervision of an accompanying adult from the same household.
  3. Authorities have a recommended capacity of 10 percent. This capacity may be lower due to the requirements of social distancing. Our sanctuary has a capacity of 60.
  4. Everyone will be provided a prayer book but please bring your own tallit and kipa. Passing each other and coming closer than 6 feet for a few seconds is accepted.
  5. Aliyot and readings should be follow the direction of the clergy present.

V. Recommendation that precautions taken when singing.

VI. Zooming and/or live stream should be considered for all activities, depending on the activity, and particularly for high-risk congregants as long as the Covid infection is a concern.

VII. Approval by the Executive Director by filling out this form for each contemplated activity. This activity plan will be submitted not less than ten days before the contemplated activity and contain details for compliance with these requirements and for set-up and clean‐up.

VIII. Infection Please notify the Executive Director immediately if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and attended an event/service or visited the building for more than 10 minutes.
