
Shabbhakti Yoga with Deb Glassman 

Kahaner Auditorium

Join Dr. Deborah Glassman for an embodied experience of the weekly Torah portion. The physical practice of yoga will bring you into deeper connection with yourself, your community and the meaning of Shabbat. Classes will take place on select Saturdays from 9:45 AM to 11:00 AM in the Kahaner Auditorium. Registration is required for these classes,... Read More

Celebrating Older Americans Month: Powered by Connection with Penn’s Village 

BZBI chapel 0

This year’s theme, Powered by Connection, aptly describes the work of Penn’s Village, a membership nonprofit organization serving older adults in central Philadelphia for more than 15 years. Through a strong cadre of vetted volunteers, they offer members, depending on membership level, more than eight services to help older adults stay in their own homes... Read More


Exploring the Talmud with Rabbi Stone

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

Join Rabbi Stone and his students as they explore the Talmud and probe philosophy through civil and criminal law. This course meets on Zoom only, every Monday from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. To sign up, click here! 


The 12 Minor Prophets with Rabbi Stone

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

Join Rabbi Stone and his students as they study the 12 minor prophets. This class will be held on Zoom only, on Tuesday's from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. To sign up for the class, click here. 


Parashat HaShavua Class

BZBI chapel 0

Would you like to get a closer look at key issues in the weekly Torah portion? Have you been meaning to study Torah more consistently but haven’t found the right time? Are you looking for an interactive alternative to the Sanctuary Torah reading? If you answer “yes” (or even “maybe”) to any of those questions then... Read More


Sima’s Stitchers Takes a New Twist

The Weitzman 101 South Independence Mall, Philadelphia, PA

Want to learn how to knit caps for IDF soldiers? Need knitting lessons? Know how to knit but need directions for these caps? Eileen Dwell is willing to provide you with private or small group lessons at a mutually convenient time in person or on Zoom.  Yes, lessons can be on Zoom! Do you still... Read More


Mah Jongg

Join us at BZBI for Mah Jongg, we offer two different dates and times to play each week, Wednesdays at 1:30 PM and Thursdays at 5:00 PM! Whether you are a pro or don't know how to play at all, BZBI welcomes you to join us.

Red Cross Blood Drive at Tenth Presbyterian Church 

tenth presbyterian church 1701 Delancey Street, Philadelphia, PA

Donate blood in May! Red Cross will be collecting blood at Tenth Presbyterian Church and BZBI members are encouraged to join. Click here to register.  Contact Julie at if you are available to volunteer and sign people in at the blood drive.