
Torah Study with Rabbi Mort Levine

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In honor of the (soon-to-be) opening of our newly remodeled kitchen, the Wednesday morning Torah study group will be examining various prayers and other sources dealing with food and its... Read More


Mah Jongg

Join us at BZBI for Mah Jongg, we offer two different dates and times to play each week, Wednesdays at 1:30 PM and Thursdays at 5:00 PM! Whether you are... Read More


Shabbat Services

In the Sanctuary & on Zoom 0

This week, BZBI holds services in the Sanctuary and on Zoom. The Zoom link for BZBI religious services changed in September. You can sign up for the new link here. You... Read More


Parashat HaShavua Class

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Would you like to get a closer look at key issues in the weekly Torah portion? Have you been meaning to study Torah more consistently but haven’t found the right... Read More


Clean Your Pantry for Pesah Food Drive

Donate unopened and unexpired packages of canned goods, pasta, rice, chickpeas and legumes for our annual Pesah Food Drive! A bin will be available in the 18th Street Lobby to drop off donations.