The Torah of Abortion Justice with R’ Danya Ruttenberg

Join NCJW Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg for an in-depth teaching on Jewish sources on reproductive freedom. Learn more about the all-day NCJW training the following weekend. This meeting will be On Zoom - Register Here. 

Sisterhood Summer Soiree

harper's garden 31 South 18th Street, Philadelphia, PA

Please join us for our annual Sisterhood Summer Soirée! The signup deadline is this Friday, which is rapidly approaching. The event date is next Tuesday, July 26 from 5:30 PM... Read More

BYOB/D in Fitler Square

Fitler Square Pine Street between 23rd & 24th Street, Philadelphia, PA

BYOB/D (Bring Your Own Blanket and Dinner) for a picnic at Fitler Square, followed by a spirited Kabbalat Shabbat at 7:30pm. If you have questions please Contact Us.  

Tot Shabbat in the Park

Fitler Square Pine Street between 23rd & 24th Street, Philadelphia, PA

  Summer Tot Shabbat Playdates in the Park August 6 and August 27 from 4:30 - 5:30 PM Join us in Fitler Square Park for an afternoon of fun. This... Read More

Erev Tisha B’Av 5782

9:00-10:00 PM: Maariv and Eicha with Kinot Multi-access from the Goldberg Sanctuary

Tisha B’Av 5782

9:00-10:00 AM: Shacharit with Torah and Haftarah Multi-access from the Klinghoffer Chapel

Hike and Heal

Hike and Heal Sunday, August 14 from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM On Sunday, August 14 from 10:30 AM -12:30 PM, join members of BZBI for some fresh air outside! Location... Read More

HHD Floral Sponsor Deadline

The deadline for floral sponsorship for the High Holidays has been extended to Friday, August 19! Click the link here to become a sponsor. 

Tot Shabbat in the Park

Fitler Square Pine Street between 23rd & 24th Street, Philadelphia, PA

  Summer Tot Shabbat Playdates in the Park August 27 from 4:30 - 5:30 PM Join us in Fitler Square Park for an afternoon of fun. This program is geared... Read More


BZBI-wide Book Club: Squirrel Hill

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

The summer book club selection is Squirrel Hill by Mark Oppenheimer. The book describes how “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” became the site of the most deadly antisemitic attack on American soil... Read More