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Identifying (with) Speakers in the Psalms: A Summer Class at BZBI

Identifying (with) Speakers in the Psalms: A Summer Class at BZBI

August 5 2024, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Most Jews are familiar with the thirty or so psalms included in the prayer book. But the siddur actually leaves out the best ones! In this course, you’ll get an introduction to the Book of Psalms, an understanding of how some of these texts are put together and a close look at a few amazing psalms. The psalms provide surprising glimpses into how individuals in biblical times saw their relationship with God and exercised their agency to persuade God. And – you will finally find out why the rabbis were so impressed with Ashrei that they included it in every religious service.

Click here to register. 

You are welcome to bring your own copy of the psalms so that we can compare translations and commentaries.

Class dates are Mondays July 29, August 5, 12, and 19 from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM; please arrive at 5:45 PM to attend Minyan. Contributions of $18 toward providing security are welcome.

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