New Time: The Life & Thought of Mordecai Kaplan

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Note new time, now 30 minutes earlier. In this six week course, Rabbi Stone will discuss the life, theology, and impact on the Jewish community of Mordecai Kaplan, founder of Reconstructionist Judaism and one of the 20th century's most prominent Jewish thinkers. Born in tsarist Russia, he emigrated to the United States at age 8... Read More

BZBI Teen Summer Zoom Hang

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This program is being offered to all rising 8th-10th grade teens whose families are BZBI members. Teens are welcome to drop in and there is no registration or cost required. For more information and Zoom details email our Teen Program Coordinator, Rachel Beck at

Songs of Our People, Songs of Our Neighbors

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Please join us for the third of now FOUR special evenings filled with musical nourishment. This livestream conversation and concert features Rabbi Yosef Goldman Yosef is co-director of Hadar’s Rising Song Institute. Raised in a mixed Orthodox Ashkenazi and Mizrachi home, Yosef has taught and led prayer in some of the most spiritually vibrant and... Read More

Online: The Book of Psalms with Rabbi Annie Lewis

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In times of distress and celebration, the Jewish people have turned to Tehillim, the Book of Psalms, as we have cried out for healing, cultivated resilience and lifted our voices in gratitude. In this class, we will explore the moving poetry of Tehillim, as well as traditional commentaries, and creative and musical interpretations of the psalms.... Read More

Online: Zoom Training

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Even the most experienced Zoomer has trouble with the application sometimes. And if you've avoided using it, now's the time to learn. Join David Haas to learn the basics of Zoom at BZBI. On Tuesday, June 23 before Catherine Radbill's event, learn by phone how to get on your first Zoom call. On Thursday, June... Read More

Zoom & ShulCloud Office Hours

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Based on demand for more training, we've added weekly Zoom office hours, and now offer ShulCloud training!  Bring your questions to share with others, and we'll make sure you feel comfortable in meetings, paying bills, and using all the BZBI technology!  Register here.

High Holidays Tune Up

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As we enter the month of Elul, join Rabbis Yosef Goldman and Annie Lewis for the next four Wednesdays as they sing together - and we join from our homes - learning the melodies that will carry us through the High Holiday season. (The High Holiday Tune Up will be followed by "Mindful Maariv," 8:30-8:45)... Read More

Zoom Shabbat Service for Shemini Atzeret

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This week, we celebrate Shemini Atzeret, including Yizkor. Following the service, at approximately 12:00 noon, stay with us for online Kiddush and small group discussion. Zoom Shabbat uses the same link as our weekday Zoom Minyan, and you can register here for access. We now require pre-registration to attend all services. After registering, you will... Read More

Exploring Talmud with Rabbi Stone

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The second year of this course with Rabbi Ira Stone will provide an introduction to the length and breadth of this unique and important literature at the heart of post-temple Judaism. It will include a deep dive into the opening chapter of the first tractate, berachot. The class will be conducted online until it is safe... Read More

The Book of Genesis with Rabbi Stone

Many BZBI events are being held online. 0

Join Rabbi Ira Stone for a new year of exploring the Chumash. This year-long course will continue our close reading of the Torah, focusing on the book of Bereshit (Genesis).  The class will be conducted online until it is safe to return to the synagogue. Please register here for the class. After registering, you will... Read More